Volunteer Requirements

All Adult Volunteers in the Athletic Ministry must complete both a Background Screening and VIRTUS Safe Environment training before becoming involved in coaching or any work with children or the vulnerable.  

VIRTUS – This requirement can be completed through the Office of Safe Environment.  Please visit their website here.  

Background Screening – Contact us (info@catholicmetrosports.com)if you are interested to coach and we will assist with the necessary background screening.  

Renewal – Once cleared, and if you continue to be active in the ministry every season, VIRTUS is good for 5 years, at which time you will need to complete a renewal online as well as an updated background screening

Volunteering at CMS

We have a variety of volunteer opportunities throughout the year and always need general help in running the leagues.  Coaching opportunities for the current season are always available when you register.  If you would like to become more involved we always need:

Parish Athletic Directors – This position helps coordinate a certain age group for each sport.  They work with coaches to form teams and to manage fields and equipment for the season.  They attend league meetings for their sport and communicate with the parents at the parish about activities for the season.

League Directors – These positions help to coordinate the activities of a sport.  They work with parish directors regarding league rules, schedules and general season coordination.  They are responsible for the league tournament and for resolving any issues during the season.  They also oversee league officials and scheduling.

General Assistance – As an organization we always need help with general assistance during the season.  If you are interested or have a special skill that would help us grow the ministry please contact us here