Sam Robb, a rising athlete at Blessed Trinity High School, was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in 2002 at the age of 15. After countless rounds of chemotherapy and surgeries Sam’s cancer was in remission. However, due to the cancer Sam would be unable to play the sports he loved. Sam did not give up his dreams of being an athlete and changed his focus to other sports that could accommodate his new physical limitations. Sadly, on June 25, 2007 Sam Robb lost his battle with an unexpected relapse of the cancer.
In its 16th year, this tournament is a tribute to Sam and his perseverance to be an athlete no matter the obstacles. All proceeds from the tournament will benefit the Sam Robb Fund at CURE Childhood Cancer, an organization dedicated to finding a cure for childhood cancers. The Sam Robb Fund has raised more than $1 million since 2007.
All proceeds benefit the Sam Robb Fund at CURE Childhood Cancer.
Visit to become a sponsor and for all tournament information.
Founded in 1975, the Atlanta, GA based CURE Childhood Cancer is a nonprofit organization dedicated to conquering childhood cancer through funding targeted research while supporting patients and their families.
For questions and more information, please contact Annemarie Robb