In order for your child to participate in our league we ask all parents and coaches to notify me, Narcissa Atkinson Registered Nurse COVID Coordinator (RNCC), regarding any injuries related to sports. I am available at the email and phone number below. Always seek immediate medical attending and call 911 in an emergency.
This information is critical and should be communicated to her without delay. All information provided to the RNC is private and confidential.
Narcissa Atkinson, DNP, RN
Registered Nurse Coordinator
404 -926-6137 voice/text

Catholic Metro Sports follows GHSA standard policies for canceling outdoor practices or moving them indoors when the expected WBGT is 92 degrees or higher. Measuring safe practice conditions will be to use the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature. Note: Temperatures reported on your phone weather app are not in WBGT format. CMS will utilize (https://zelusports.com) at the precise practice location which combines heat, humidity, brightness of the sun, and wind speed and comes up with one number that can be used to determine what restrictions should be made. To accommodate logistics we will work with local parish directors and coaches and communicate with all parents 4 hours prior to practice start time.

WBGT can change dramatically by location and time of day and should be checked hourly. Just because a school may cancel outdoor recess may not be an indicator for practice cancellations.
Because of the number of programs we administer we will endeavor to communicate with everyone as quickly as possible through email, our Team App and the website. We will be sending Team App invitations for all families this week for parish and school locations.