The Holy Father, in a recent meeting with sports professionals from across the globe called for “sports to be accessible. Together with accessibility there must be acceptance. It is important that we find an open door, but also find people there to welcome us, people who hold the door of their hearts open to everyone and, consequently, help to overcome prejudice, fear and, at times, just plain ignorance. To welcome means to give everyone the opportunity to challenge themselves by playing sports, to measure their limitations and put their potential to good use.”
Our organization is already in the process of answering this call. We have hosted several wheelchair basketball events for Blaze Sports and we are working on partnerships with Extra Special People and GiGi’s Playhouse. We hope, with your support, we can lift the hearts of our youth and families and work together to provide greater access and joy to those who need it in our community.

We are here to welcome you.
Play brings children closer to God and we want all kids, regardless of ability, to have the opportunity for joy and acceptance that comes with play, athletics or team sports.

Our iGiveCatholic goal is to establish our own programming for children of all abilities and to provide support for families struggling to find time and options for their unique needs. We want to connect our facilities and volunteers with programing that can meet the needs of children with limited or restricted ability or kids that struggle with sensory issues.
We understand that there are children that are left out because of visible and invisible health and development challenges affecting their ability to participate in sports. We are committed to helping your child join our regular programs or to support them with a specialized program with one of our partners. Please contact:
Rob Aldrich
Executive Director
Catholic Metro Sports of Atlanta
(404) 465-4355 office