Job Openings

Teen Service and & Paid Positions

CMS has various teen service and paid contract work around the league.  These can include the following:
Scorekeeper (Basketball/Volleyball)
Referee (Soccer/Basketball)
Coaching (All Sports)
Skills Coaching (All Sports)

If you are interested and would like to apply please complete the application and school reference forms (linked below) and contact us at
Teen volunteers do not complete VIRTUS or background screening as long as they are enrolled in high school.  Teens or Young Adults over the age of 18 and no longer enrolled in high school must be VIRTUS trained.

Scan and return the forms to

MINIMUM AGE – Teen workers must be 14 years of age or older or obtain a valid Georgia Workers Permit.

Paid positions receive training and are able to apply for shifts and complete tasks without supervision during the season.  These positions are reported 1099 and payroll taxes are not withheld.  If you receive less than $600 during the calendar year you will not receive a 1099 form at the end of the year.

All payments are made via Zelle as we do not pay via check.  Please provide your Zelle Account information (either cell phone number or email address the account is set up under) to us at  All shifts are assigned using which is available iOS or Android.

All teen workers receive initial training or on the job training their first shift.  After that they pick their own work schedule and are unsupervised independent contractors.  Each gym or field is run as a Safe Environment and there are always adults volunteer coaches to answer questions during the games. 

ALL of the forms below must be completed and returned.  Paid positions still need to complete the volunteer application.  Also submit a W-9 Form completed and signed by the teen.

Teen Personnel Volunteer/Paid Application
School Reference For Minor Volunteers/Paid
School Reference Form Instructions
IRS Forms W-9